Friday, June 11, 2010

Moved to tumblr!

Respect to Google Blogger for giving it a good try, but I finally got fed up with my site crashing the iPad and iPhone browser, not having a mobile-optimised layout for smartphones, outdated look & feel, and being generally disconnected with the new social media like facebook and twitter.

Blogger is to Google what Flickr was to Yahoo! - once they bought it, they just sat on it and didn't improve it at all. The recent addition of "Template Designer" as a beta feature is just way too far behind the curve.

I've redirected my domain to tumblr, but this blog will stay available at indefinitely, unless Google shuts it down.

I did manage to use an awesome tool to import all my posts from Blogger to tumblr, but unfortunately comments cannot be imported. After this post, all my new posts will go to tumblr.

I also used this as an opportunity to install a new theme (holy crap the themes over at tumblr are beautiful!!) and get some sexy HTML5 typography going. I'm really pleased with how it looks now.

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