Friday, June 11, 2010 (Instapaper) on iPhone multitasking and background updating


The addition of one more multitasking service would solve this issue for a lot of application types: a periodic network request. Here’s how I would do it:

  • The application gives the system an NSURLRequest and an ideal refresh interval, such as every 30 minutes, every few hours, or every day.
  • iOS executes that request, whenever it deems that it should, and saves the response to a local file.
  • Next time the application launches, iOS hands it an NSData of the most recent response.

A tidy idea.

Maybe one of the reasons Apple didn’t include this is the privacy concern that it might be possible for a developer to geolocate a user and track their movements by examining the source route of their http requests. That would be difficult for Apple's app "curation" process to catch, since the offending code would be running on a remote server.

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