Friday, June 12, 2009

BlogPress Blogger client for iPhone

I found a very positive review of BlogPress, an iPhone app that can post to several blogging services, including Blogger. This post is my first attempt at using it.

So far, it seems a lot like posting via email - in fact the interface mimicks the iPhone email UI in a lot of ways.

One nice feature is the ability to control how images are inlined in your body text. Unfortunately however, there doesn't seem to be any way to add formatting (like bold or italics), or even to add links, except by hand-typing the HTML tags on the iPhone keyboard. :-(

Still, nice to have another option for blogging on the dunny. ;-)


  1. UPDATE: I tried to send some feedback on the developer's site using their online form, and after spending 10 minutes drafting careful, constructive feedback, their online form handler shat the bed. :-(

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