Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kernest Fonts, Mars Edit


Decided the old look of my blog was getting tired, and there are so many beautifully designed blogs out there. I am very attracted by the elegance of tumblr, but there's no way to completely migrate my entire blog (including comments) from Blogger to tumblr, so instead I opted for redesigning the look on Blogger.

I did some poking around and came across Blogger's new (beta) Template Designer, which not only has some more modern themes to start with, but a lot more control over the layout and colours. Settled on this look for now, but very easy to change later.

But I was still unsatisfied with the look of the text — too mundane. I immediately fell in love with the text on Valhalla Island. I did some investigation and finally figured out how to get this awesome Droid font embedded into my Blogger page. There are several ways to do it, but I found this useful article explaining how to do it using the Kernest service.

Inspired by Daring Fireball, I downloaded Mars Edit, a desktop editor for composing and publishing to a blog. I've used it for the last 3 posts and have to say that while it isn't perfect, it does solve nearly all of the problems of the web-based Blogger editor. I'm looking forward to future updates.

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