Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Happy Things for the Java Posse

My first techblog entry has to be about the Java Posse, since listening to them is what inspired me to start blogging about Java. I've never missed a single episode since the beginning and I've listened to some of them more than once!

I don't have a lot of time to read TSS or any other Java web sites, so these guys are basically my only source of Java news — but I'm pretty sure that's all I need. A lot of the time they mention stuff that I will then go and check out for myself, of course.

If you're a Java developer or architect and are too lazy to have clicked the link above, basically they're 4 guys in the states that are all seriously experienced Java architects and they scour all the news from the Java world each week and discuss the interesting bits. Although they agree with each other waaaaaaaay too much, it's really awesome to hear their opinions because they're really smart guys who know a lot about Java and software architecture.

But probably the best thing about their podcast is they get some incredible people on for interviews: Cameron Purdy, Josh Bloch, Jonathan Schwartz, Bruce Eckel, to name just a few. Unreal.

It's my life ambition to do something significant enough in the Java universe to be worthy of being interviewed on their show!

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